

You know what I really don't like? Arguing. It's completely draining. And it's even more completely draining when you are arguing with someone that just doesn't get it...like kids. Particularly your own kids because you can't just send them home to their parents...you ARE the parent! Yipes! You really can't reason with them sometimes. It's maddening!

Recently, my oldest daughter who is 6 going on 26, has developed quite a knack for arguing. I mean about anything. Just name a subject and she will argue with you about it. When you look out the window to see that it's raining and tell her so, she tells you, "No it's not raining. It's sprinkling." When you state that her room is painted purple, she says, "No it's not purple. It's light, light, light, light purple." When you tell her that you like her shoes, she responds, "Mom! They are not shoes. They are flip flops." Um. Really? Here's a recent conversation that she and I had AFTER we had an argument:

Me: "Ava, good grief, you have got to stop arguing! Everything that I say to you, you argue about it."

Ava: "No I don't."

Me: "Yeah, actually you do. If I were to tell you that the sky is blue, you would argue?"

Ava: "The sky isn't always blue. Sometimes it's gray."

Me: ***smoke is coming out of my ears***

I mean ok, ok, I get it...technically she is correct...the sky is not always blue, but geez louise...stop with the arguing!

Today we had this exact argument. I truly wish that I were joking, but alas...

I mean...I don't even know what else to say...

Do any of you out there have any suggestions or advice on how to address arguing in your family? We've got our ways of dealing with it, but I'm wondering if it's time for a change there too.


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